How do you like your fries?

Ever notice that there are two different styles for quotes? Sometimes they’re curly, and sometimes they’re straight. Just like fries. How do you know when to use straight quotes or curly quotes?
Power in the margins

I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. Someone with an amazing idea turns it into a small business and then that business starts to grow. Most of the time, when they started out, they did everything themselves out of necessity. I get that – I do the same. I’d like to give a suggestion to […]
How social media has affected branding design

Social media has been with us many years now, but I still see brands who have not thought through their branding with regards to how it will look on their social pages. How will your brand mark look in a very small square or circular space? Is it legible? recognizable? Big brands have made these […]
Industry jargon vs plain speech

I’ve been working in the design industry, well forever. Most of it, I’ve been working as an independent – directly with my clients, small business owners. Because I’ve not worked in a lot of agencies, I sometimes lose track of industry jargon. I pick up lingo mostly from online reading – thought-leaders, bloggers, social media […]
Is your site accessible?

If you need to ask, then it’s not. The internet should be a place for all, shouldn’t it? In the US, the American Disabilities Act (ADA) has been guiding how public spaces and buildings need to be designed for a long time now. Why shouldn’t that be the same for websites? After all, your website […]
Mysterious cycles of productivity

People who deal with bipolar disorder experience a continual cycle of extreme ups and downs – the ups containing boundless energy and creativity, and the downs on the opposite end of the spectrum, depressive and low energy. Sometimes dangerously so. For people dealing with this disorder, treatment can often make a big difference – evening […]
Color matching across mediums

How important is it to get a color match from Pantone ink to CMYK to RGB? Do we even care any more? When I first started as a designer, the digital world was just getting started. I worked on a boxy little Macintosh desktop and big concerns at the time were whether the client could […]
Halls Be Decked.

May your party season be full of twinkle lights, warm cookies, and really good directions.

“My wife likes me. My customers like me. ‘Cause I’m the real article. What you see is what you get.”
Award Winning Annual Report

I worked on retainer with Vivent Health (formerly the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin) for about a year as they were rebuilding their in house marketing department after pandemic lockdown. Excellent company, wonderful people to work with, a great mission – I was truly inspired by them every day. I also got to work on […]