What have we learned from the 2010s?
As the last decade dawned, the recession had hit many businesses smack in the face. My business was way down – most of my clients were involved directly or indirectly in the real estate market and they were seriously hurting to stay afloat. Their marketing budgets dwindled to almost nothing. In order to remain self-employed (applying for full time work was not a viable option, no one was hiring) I had to start over and find new clients in an era when everyone was tightening their purse strings. I didn’t know what to do, but stopping in my tracks was not an option.
While the path back was not a smooth one, I can say these days I’m certainly more up than down. I’ve built new business relationships in multiple industries both in Chicago and Milwaukee – my reclaimed home town. I’ve even rebuilt business in real estate adjacent markets as before the recession. Ten years have passed since that low point, and I’m extremely thankful to still be self-employed and loving my work. I have my awesome clients to thank for that.
So thank you, awesome client.
With the new decade in our sites, let us be bold. Let us march forth, armed with the knowledge that there are no ups without downs, and that the downs make the ups that much more sweet.
From my heart, I wish you an amazing holiday season and I look forward to working with you in this brand new, shiny decade.